How Restorative Justice Can Ease Anxiety and Depression for Victims
Posted on: 17th, January 2025
Feelings of depression and anxiety are common for victims of crime, and Restorative Justice (RJ) can be an effective way to ease those feelings.
Restorative Justice gives victims the opportunity to communicate, whether directly or indirectly, with the person responsible for the crime that has affected them. The experience can be incredibly powerful, allowing victims to take back control, which can help them find closure.
Before any kind of communication takes place, a trained facilitator will meet with the victim and offender separately to explain the process, address concerns and make sure both parties consent to go ahead. During this phase it is decided whether the communication will be direct (face-to-face meeting) or indirect (phone call, letter writing, etc.) based on what’s best for the victim and offender. Each case is treated carefully, and either party may drop out if they no longer feel it is the right approach for them.
Restorative Justice is not for everyone, but it is available for anyone and can be used for any crime as long as both parties agree to take part.
If you think Restorative Justice could be for you, get in touch here.